Like previous Tales games developed by Team Destiny, the game uses the CC action point system instead of TP (which is like a traditional magic meter). The functions of the A and B-Artes depends on the character controlled, with everyone playing differently. Switching between the two skill-sets at the right moments is key to stringing up combos. Each party member is able to use two sets of skills, A-Artes and B-Artes, mapped to the X and O buttons respectively. Battle utilizes multiple lines for characters to move around, with the main focus being side-stepping and back-stepping. Like previous Tales games, Tales of Graces f uses the Linear Motion Battle System, this game's variant being the Style Shift Linear Motion Battle System. Accel Mode, a new combat feature introduced in Lineage & Legacies.A new epilogue entitled Lineage & Legacies, with new dungeons and at least 10 hours of new gameplay.The European release came in a special edition which included DLC costumes, a Making-Of DVD and a Soundtrack CD. was released in North America on Maand Augin Europe. It was released in Japan on December 2, 2010.

It was developed and published by Namco Bandai. Tales of Graces f is an enhanced PlayStation 3 port of the Wii action-JRPG Tales of Graces.